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Crackz Cream to treat cracks on hands and heels

Crackz Cream

M.R.P. : ₹ 

Cracks on the hands and heels are caused due to cold weather, dehydration, lack of moisturization, longer contact with very hot water, harsh soaps or excessive scrubbing of feet. They may occur irrespective of any climatic condition. Herbs & More Ayurveda, Crackz Cream is a Proprietary Ayurvedic Medicine for treating cracks on hands and heels due to excessive dryness. It treats and heals the wounds naturally, helps in preventing or stopping the bleeding and moisturizes the affected areas while making the skin soft and smooth.

Key Ingredients
Aloe Vera

It is anti-inflammatory; hence it is effective against wounds. It is also a good moisturizer.


It is used in dry skin treatment. It helps to heal cracks and dryness.


It is a haemostatic and is effective in healing of wounds.


Massage Herbs and More Crackz Cream gently on and around the affected area till the skin absorbs it. Apply daily preferably at night or use as directed by physician.

Can I use this cream for my hands? Or, is it to be used on feet only?

It can be used for both hands and feet.

Can I use this product between my toes?

Generally, it is best to avoid any excess moisture between your toes. This can lead to infection.

How often should I use this product?

At least once a day, but if you are facing extreme dryness problems on your hands or feet, use it twice a day

Will it also heal foot and ankle pain?

No, it just heals cracked and dry hands and feet.

What should I do if I get a rash or irritation after applying this product?

Stop using the product and seek immediate medical attention.
